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I grew up a big Tom Watson fan so when his new instructional video crossed my desk I was quick to pop it in the DVD player. I've been struggling with my pitch shots so I was hoping to find the solution to my problem on this disc. Much to my delight I found a tip that I was exactly what I needed -The 40 Yard Wedge.


This new video is an extension to the previous released "Lessons of a Life Time" and contains 20 new lessons. If you do not already own the the first release the new 2014 lessons are being sold separately or combined with the original 2 disc package if you are not furtunate enough to already have Tom's wisdom on your shelf.


Watson  comments of the reasoning behind the the additional disc. "I felt it was time to provide further instruction in areas not just about hitting the shots, but also about the mental approach of playing the game. One of the many great things about golf is that it can never be mastered.  Sure you can have a good run of play, but sooner or later the wheels will come off.  I've been experiencing the game for half a century, and I promise you I'm still learning."


The new lessons cover many advanced topics, including pre-shot routine, the importance of the bottom of the arc, head movement, how to benefit the most with your time on the practice tee, handling pressure, the afore mentioned 40 yard wedge shot, controlling trajectory on chips, chipping with a putting set up, several putting lessons and instruction for kids and seniors.


Sample Videos:

Tom Watson Golf Lessons II - Introduction View Video

Tom Watson Golf Lessons II - 40 Yard Wedge View Video

Tom Watson Golf Lessons II - Spot Putting 2 View Video

Tom Watson Golf Lessons II - Controlling Trajectory View Video



Priced from $24.95 these DVD programs are available for sale at, Amazon Canada and select golf and sporting goods retailers.  Both programs are can also be purchased by telephone at 800-993-5589.


A portion of the proceeds from all sales will be contributed to the Bruce Edwards Foundation for ALS Research.